Servings: 15 Servings
1 c  All-purpose flour
3    Egg yolks
3    Egg whites
2 tb Melted butter (unsalted)
1 pn Of salt
1 c  Milk
1/2 c  Water

*Beat egg whites until they reach a peak. Store in refrigerator. In mixing
bowl blend flour, egg yolks, salt, milk and water. Cover mixture with damp
cloth, let rest for two hours. Then, blend mixture with egg whites and
melted butter. Over medium high heat bring buttered six-inch pan to sizzle.
Ladle a little batter into frying pan. Tilt and rotate so batter covers
surface evenly. Pour any excess batter back into bowl. Fry crepes lightly
until brown on both sides. For immediate use, cover crepes with foil and
keep warm in low oven. Or place crepes on plate, separate each crepe with a
piece of waxpaper. Cover all with plastic wrap and store in refrigerator.
Makes 15 crepes.

NOTE: For sweet crepes add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of sugar
and 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar.

*Wash peaches, air dry, cut into bite-size pieces, remove pit. Sprinkle
with sugar, add orange juice, toss lightly. Squeeze lemon juice over all,
cover with plastic wrap and rest overnight at room temperature. Just before
serving, heat peach mixture in skillet. Reheat crepes in dry pan over
medium low heat. Place crepe on dessert plate, ladle marinated peaches on
one side of crepe topped with 2 tablespoons of ice cream (preferably a good
quality french vanilla). Serve immediately. For extra flavor, marinate
peaches in 1/2 cup Mandarine Napoleon liquer instead of the sugar and just
before serving ladle a good teaspoon of same liqueur over folded crepe.


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