Servings: 12 Servings
8 oz Potatoes, cut in even-size
3/4 c  Frozen green peas
2 tb Corn oil
1    Onion, finely chopped
1/2 ts Cumin seeds
1    Piece ginger root, peeled,
-grated (1/2")
1/2 ts Turmeric
1/2 ts Garam Masala
1/2 ts Salt
2 ts Lemon juice
1 c  All-purpose flour
2 tb Butter
2 tb Warm milk
Vegetable oil for deep
Lime twists (opt)
Fresh celery leaves (opt)
Mango Chutney

In a saucepan, boil potatoes in salted water 15-20 minutes or until tender.
Drain well, return to saucepan and shake over low heat a few moments or
until dry. Mash well. Cook peas in boiling salted water 4 minutes. Drain

Heat oil in a skillet. Add onion, cumin seeds, ginger, turmeric, Garam
Masala and salt. Cook gently 5 minutes. Add mashed potatoes and peas, then
stir in lemon juice. Mix well, remove from heat and cool.

Sift flour into a bowl. Cut in butter finely until mixture resembles bread
crumbs. Add milk and mix to form a stiff dough. Divide in 6 equal pieces.

Form each piece in a ball and roll each ball on a lightly floured surface
to a 6″ circle. Cut each circle in half. Divide filling equally among
semicircles of pastry.

Dampen edges of pastry, then fold over and seal to form triangles which
enclose filling completely. Half fill a deep-fat fryer or saucepan with
oil. Heat oil to 375F. (190C.) or until a 1/2″ cube of day-old bread
browns in 40 seconds. Fry samosa in hot oil, a few at a time, 3-4 minutes
or until golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Garnish with lime twists and
celery leaves, if desired, and serve hot with Mango Chutney.

Makes 12 samosa.


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