Servings: 4 Servings
Serrano chiles
See instructions for
-measurements and types

Peel two or three inches of “average width” ginger root and toss in the
Cuisinart. Take the stems off ten to 12 supermarket serranos (five or six
backyard serranos) and toss them in, too. Mash thoroughly with the metal
blade. Add the juice of a half dozen limes, and mix thoroughly. Add
either a) two tbsp allspice and a half tbsp coriander or b) two tbsp
coriander and a half tbsp allspice, and mix. Let your chicken or ribs
marinate in this for at least half an hour at room temperature, then cook
in a covered (Weber-style) BBQ with the vents wide open. Use the left-over
marinate to baste: Turn the meat often enough that it doesnt burn, but
not so often that the previous marinade hasnt dried up.

Cook ribs until the fat stops boiling out; ditto drumsticks. I find that
putting on drumsticks-cum-thighs first and turning them two or three times
before I put on the wings, then turning them all a couple of times before I
put the breasts on the hottest part of the fire works pretty well at
cooking them all evenly. I go back on forth on skinning the chicken, but
these days I skin it: It seems that leaving the skin on just invites
burning and all those wonderful carcinogens in charred fat.



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