Servings: 4 Servings
1 lb Fresh shrimp; peeled and
1 pk (small) dried shrimp; washed
4 tb Cooking oil
5 tb All-purpose flour
1 md Onion; chopped
3/4 c  Whole tomatoes
1    Piece bell pepper; diced
1    Bay leaf
1    Rib celery; chopped
1 pk (8-oz) frozen okra; cut in
-small pieces
1    Clove garlic; mashed
1 tb Green onions; chopped
1 tb Parsley; chopped
3 1/2 pt Water
Salt & red pepper to taste

Put fresh, washed shrimp in 1 pint of water with 1 teaspoon salt; cook
over medium heat about 5 minutes or until shrimp turns pink. Turn off heat
and leave covered 3 minutes, drain and reserve liquid for gumbo ln a large
pot with heavy bottom, heat oil; add flour. Make a roux (brown flour in
oil) of deep golden brown; cook on a low heat, stirring constantly. Take
pot off heat and quickly add onions and garlic; cook 4 minutes. Return to
heat; add bell pepper, bay, leaf, broth with remaining water and dried
shrimp. Let come to a boil; then add tomatoes and okra, stirring until it
comes to a boil again. Reduce to simmer and cook, covered for 1 hour. Add
cooked shrimp, green onion and parsley to gumbo just before serving. Serve
in soup bowls with cooked rice.

Note: For a different taste treat, shrimp gumbo file is made the same
way, only omit okra, but putting 1/4 teaspoon gumbo fil‚ into each serving.
(Do not cook fil‚). Fil‚ is herb powder made from sassafras leaves, and can
be found in most stores in the spice section.


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