Servings: 6 Servings
12 oz Vermicelli Spaghetti
2    Chicken Fryers
2 cn RO*TEL Tomato w/Green Chili
1 cn Tiny English Peas; drained
1 lb Processed Cheese
1 lg Green Pepper; chopped
1 lg Onion; chopped
3/4 c  Butter or Margarine

Boil chicken in seasoned water and save broth. Remove chicken from bone.
Cook spaghetti in broth. Grate cheese and add to spaghetti while hot. Cook
pepper and onion in margarine and adde to spaghetti mixture. Add RO*TEL
Tomatoes and Green Chilies, peas and chicken. Mix well and pour into
greased casserole dish. Bake at 350 degrees until blended through. This
recipe freezes well.


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