Servings: 10 Servings
4 lb Bony chicken pieces (back;
-neck; wing, etc.)
6    -(up to)
8    Sprigs parsley
10    -(up to)
12 md Carrots; peeled
2 lg Onions; sliced
2 ts Salt
8 c  Water
1 c  Whipping cream
1/4 ts Nutmeg

Tie chicken and parsley in a bag made from a single thickness of
cheesecloth. Place in a deep kettle. Add carrots, onions, 1-1/2 teaspoon
salt, and the water. Cover, bring to a boil, and simmer slowly for 2 hours
. Let cool slightly, then lift bag from broth and drain well. Discard bones
and parsley. Remove carrots and onions from broth with a slotted spoon and
whirl in a blender with some broth until smooth (or force through a wire
strainer). Retum vegetable puree to broth in pan, stir in cream, nutmeg and
additional salt if needed. (You can do this a day ahead and chill soup,
covered, overnight,). Heat to simmering. Ladle hot soup into bowls or mugs,
and dust each serving lightly with nutmeg. Makes 12 or 13 cups or 10 to 12
first course servings.


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