Servings: 1 Servings
(19.8. oz)pkg fudge brownie
1/2 c  Kahlua or coffee-flavored
3 x  (3.9 oz) pkgs. chocolate
Instant pudding mix
12 oz Container Cool Whip
6 x  (1.4 o) Heath Bars, crushed

Prepare brownie mix and bake according to package directions in a 13
x 9 inch pan. Remove from oven when done, and prick top of warm
brownies at 1-inch intervals with a fork; drizzle with Kahlua. Let
cool, and crumble into chunks.

Prepare pudding mix according to package directions, omitting
chilling. Place one-third or crumbled brownies in bottom of 3-qt.
trifle dish. Top with one-third of pudding, and one-third of Cool
Whip, and one-third of crumbled Heath bars. Repeat layers twice,
ending with crushed candy bars.

Chill 8 hours.


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