Servings: 1 Servings
1 lg Rabbit, cut for frying
3 tb Bacon drippings
2 lg Onions, cut fine
1    To 2 tbls flour
1 qt Burgundy or Chablis
2    Bay leaves
Salt & pepper to taste
1 ts Parsley, chopped fine
Giblets, chopped fine
Button mushrooms

In Dutch oven, saute onions in bacon drippings. Brown flour in same
Dutch oven. Add rabbit, Burgundy, (or Chablis), bay leaves, salt,
pepper and parsley. Cover. Cook either on the stove or in the oven
for 2 hours, or until rabbit is tender. Remove rabbit to a warm
place. Add gibblets and mushrooms to gravy Cook until done, adding
more flour to thicken the sauce if desired. Excellant with rice.


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