Servings: 1 Servings
6 oz Butter
7 1/2 oz Caster sugar
3 lg Eggs
3    Dessert spoons cocoa powder
6    Dessert spoons hot water
6 oz Self raising flour
6 oz Icing sugar
3 oz Butter
3 oz Goodchocolate

Mix the cocoa and the water till you get a gorgeous choclatey
mixture.Leave to cool. Cream the marj and the sugar till creamy and
fluffy. Beat the eggs and then slowly add to the fat/sugar mix Add
the cocoa stuff, then fold in the flour. Bake in two lined 7inch cake
tins for 20-25 mins at 375F until firm (and risen)

Meanwhile lick the bowl!!!!! No!! I mean; Meanwhile cream the butter
and melt the choc in a bowl over a pan of hot water or in the
e, whatever takes your fancy Mix the choclate into the butter
and then add the icing sugar, leave this to cool a bit, but dont
chill!!!!! Incidentaly I use Lindts 70% cocoa solids choc to make the
topping filling stuff, the higher the cocoa solids the more *wow*
this is!!! When the cakes have cooled sandwich the whole lot together
with about half the filling stuff and then plaster the rest on the
top. And thats it. I had to make three at the weekend because people
kept comming and complaing that they hadnt had a bit and someone
else had eaten the last bit, you have been warned!!! 🙂



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