Servings: 1 Servings
6 tb Butter
Common Paste

Divide butter into thirds & keep cold while preparing paste. Roll
dough in rectangle 5x15x1/8″. Trim 1/2″ off side to use for patching.
take 1/3 butter in fingers, knead it to soften & pinch off small
pieces. Cover rectangle with butter dots, except around edges. Fold
short ends of dough towards center, overlapping like a business
letter. Press gently & fold pastry in half the other way. If pastry
has broken anywhere, patch by wetting surfaces to be joined. If
kitchen is warm, chill dough 15 minutes. Roll again to rectangle &
repeat buttering & folding. Chill. Repeat. Chill. For top pie crust-
roll out folded dough into circle 2″ wider than pan rim. Wet edge of
filled bottom crust. Using rolling pin as carrier, transfer to pie
pan. Press edges together & trim. Crimp with fingers or fork. Bake as
directed. For turnovers- roll folded dough into rectangle.


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