Servings: 1 Servings
1 pk Active dry yeast
1 c  Water; warm (105~ - 115~)
1 ts Sugar
1 ts Salt
2 1/2 c  To 3 c all purpose flour
1/4 c  Butter or margarine; melted
1 lg Garlic clove; minced
1 ts Dried parsley
1/4 ts Salt
1/8 ts Fresh ground black pepper

In mixing bowl, dissolve yeast in water. Add sugar. Stir to dissolve. Let
stand 3-5 minutes or until yeast bubbles. Add salt. Slowly stir in flour.
After half the flour is added, beat until very smooth and satiny. Then stir
in enough flour to make a stiff dough. Turn out onto lightly floured boars.
Cover and let rest about 10 minutes. Knead about 5 minutes until smooth and
satiny. Place dough in a bowl that has been greased. Turn dough over. Cover
and let rise for 1 hour or until doubled. Meanwhile, in small bowl, mix
melted butter, garlic, parsley, salt and black pepper. Turn risen dough out
onto counter. Cut in walnut sized pieces. Dip into butter mix. Place into
buttered 10″ ring mold (1-1/2 qt size). Make even layer. Let rise about 1
hour or until doubled. Bake at 375~ for 25-30 minutes or until golden.


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