Servings: 1 Servings
1 c  Milk
1/2 c  Butter
1/4 ts Salt
1 c  Flour
2    Eggs
3    Egg whites
Savory Prosciutto Filling
Tomato Olive Filling

Preheat oven to 450. Coat baking sheets with nonstick vegetable-oil
spray. Heat milk, butter & salt in medium sized saucepan. As soon as
mix comes to a boiling, remove from heat. Immediately stir in flour
with wooden spoon; beat until dough pulls away from sides of pan.
Beat in eggs & whites, one at a time, beating after each addition,
until mixture is smooth & glossy. Stir in desired fillings. Place
mounds of dough (about the size of a large walnut) on sheets, 1 1/2″
apart. Or pipe from pastry bag fitted with desired tip onto sheets.
Place in upper third of preheat 450 oven. Reduce oven temp. to 400.
Bake 25 minutes or until puffed, golden & lightly crusty. Remove to
wire racks. The baked puffs can be frozen. To reheat, place on baking
sheet. Cover lightly with aluminum foil. Bake in preheated 375 oven
for 10 minutes.


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