Servings: 1 Servings
7 lb Unhopped extract syrup
1 lb Chocolate malt, not cracked
1/2 lb Black patent malt, not
1/2 lb Crystal malt (90 degrees L
1/2 lb Sumatra decaf coffee
1 1/2 oz Cascade hops (boil)
1/2 oz Cascade hops (finish)

Place chocolate, patent, and crystal malts in about 2 gallons of water
and bring to almost boil, Sparge into boiling pot. Add 2 more gallons of
water. Bring to boil and add bittering hops. 30 minutes into the boil,
add 1/2 teaspoon Irish moss. Boil one more hour. Add finishing hops in
last 2 minutes of boil. Pour into fermenter and add coffee. Pitch yeast.

Serving Size:


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