Servings: 4 Cups
1 tb Vegetable oil; up to 2 tbsp
2 c  Corn kernels; fresh, cut
-from ears or frozen,thawed
2 c  Peanuts; shelled
-Salt to taste

Equipment: Meadium-size heavy saucepan, mixing spoon, cober bowl or jar 1.
Heat 1 tbsp oil over medium heat. Swirl oil to completely coat pan bottom.
Pour corn kernels in the pan and cook, stirring continually until lightly
browned. Reduce heat to low and cook about 5 minutes. (Do not add more oil
unless necessary to prevent sticking.) The corn should be on the dry side.
2. Remove from heat, add peanuts, season with salt to taste, and mix well.
Transfer to covered bowl or jar and refrigerate. Serve and eat as “trail
mix” snack.


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