Servings: 4 Servings
1/2 c  Butter or
-margarine, softened
2 c  Icing sugar
1 c  Chunky peanut butter
1/2 c  Pecans, ground
1/2 ts Vanilla
12 oz Semisweet chocolate chips
1/4    Bar paraffin

In large mixing bowl, combine butter, icing sugar, peanut butter, pecans,
and vanilla; mix well. Melt chocolate chops and paraffin in top of a double
boiler over low heat. Lightly greese four 4 1/2″ or two 8″ tart pans with
removable bottoms. Spread a thin layer of melted chocolate on the bottom
and sides of each pan. Refrigerate for 5 minutes or until chocolate is set.
Spread another thin layer of chocolate over the first layer; refrigerate to
set. Divide peanut mixture evenly between pans; level tops. Spread a layer
of chocolate over peanut layer in each pan, sealing edges. Refrigerate
until set. To remove peanut butter cups from pans, remove sides of pans.
Insert the edge of a sharp knife between the bottom of each pan and the


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