
This is a list of standard conversions based on Teaspoons of ingredients in your recipes.

When increasing or decreasing your recipes you can use this chart.

Remember that you must use actual measuring spoons and containers not items used in your kitchen for serving foods.

For instance if you were adding milk and the recipe suggested 1 quart and you wanted to increase the servings you are making by 50% and add an extra 1/2 quart.

First find the quart column and look for 1.5 quarts as your starting measurement and then you could follow the row across to cups or fluid ounces and know how much milk you needed….

The result would be that you need 1-1/2 qt = 48 fl oz  or 6 cups in total to adjust your recipe.

Measurement Conversion Chart

Fluid Ounce
fl oz
3/4 tsp 1/4 Tbsp 1/64 c 1/256 qt 1/1024 gal 1/8 fl oz
1 tsp 1/3 Tbsp 1/48 c 1/192 qt 1/768 gal 1/6 fl oz
1-1/8 tsp 3/8 Tbsp 3/128 c 3/512 qt 3/2048 gal 3/16 fl oz
1-1/2 tsp 1/2 Tbsp 1/32 c 1/128 qt 1/512 gal 1/4 fl oz
1-7/8 tsp 5/8 Tbsp 5/128 c 5/512 qt 5/2048 gal 5/16 fl oz
2 tsp 2/3 Tbsp 1/24 c 1/96 qt 1/384 gal 1/3 fl oz
2-1/4 tsp 3/4 Tbsp 3/64 c 3/256 qt 3/1024 gal 3/8 fl oz
2-1/2 tsp 7/8 Tbsp 7/128 c 7/512 qt 7/2048 gal 7/16 fl oz
3 tsp 1 Tbsp 1/16 c 1/64 qt 1/256 gal 1/2 fl oz
6 tsp 2 Tbsp 1/8 c 1/32 qt 1/128 gal 1 fl oz
12 tsp 4 Tbsp 1/4 c 1/16 qt 1/64 gal 2 fl oz
16 tsp 5-1/3 Tbsp 1/3 c 1/12 qt 1/48 gal 2-2/3 fl oz
18 tsp 6 Tbsp 3/8 c 3/32 qt 3/128 gal 3 fl oz
24 tsp 8 Tbsp 1/2 c 1/8 qt 1/32 gal 4 fl oz
30 tsp 10 Tbsp 5/8 c 5/32 qt 5/128 gal 5 fl oz
32 tsp 10-2/3 Tbsp 2/3 c 1/6 qt 1/24 gal 5-1/3 fl oz
36 tsp 12 Tbsp 3/4 c 3/16 qt 3/64 gal 6 fl oz
42 tsp 14 Tbsp 7/8 c 7/32 qt 7/128 gal 7 fl oz
48 tsp 16 Tbsp 1 c 1/4 qt 1/16 gal 8 fl oz
64 tsp 21-1/3 Tbsp 1-1/3 c 1/3 qt 1/12 gal 10-2/3 fl oz
72 tsp 24 Tbsp 1-1/2 c 3/8 qt 3/32 gal 12 fl oz
96 tsp 32 Tbsp 2 c 1/2 qt 1/8 gal 16 fl oz
120 tsp 40 Tbsp 2-1/2 c 5/8 qt 5/32 gal 20 fl oz
128 tsp 42-2/3 Tbsp 2-2/3 c 2/3 qt 1/6 gal 21-1/3 fl oz
144 tsp 48 Tbsp 3 c 3/4 qt 3/16 gal 24 fl oz
168 tsp 56 Tbsp 3-1/2 c 7/8 qt 7/32 gal 28 fl oz
192 tsp 64 Tbsp 4 c 1 qt 1/4 gal 32 fl oz
256 tsp 85-1/3 Tbsp 5-1/3 c 1-1/3 qt 1/3 gal 42-2/3 fl oz
288 tsp 96 Tbsp 6 c 1-1/2 qt 3/8 gal 48 fl oz
384 tsp 128 Tbsp 8 c 2 qt 1/2 gal 64 fl oz
480 tsp 160 Tbsp 10 c 2-1/2 qt 5/8 gal 80 fl oz
512 tsp 170-2/3 Tbsp 10-2/3 c 2-2/3 qt 2/3 gal 85-1/3 fl oz
576 tsp 192 Tbsp 12 c 3 qt 3/4 gal 96 fl oz
672 tsp 224 Tbsp 14 c 3-1/2 qt 7/8 gal 112 fl oz
768 tsp 256 Tbsp 16 c 4 qt 1 gal 128 fl oz

Source: No Auth usda

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