Servings: 4 Servings
2 tb Olive oil
2    Garlic cloves; crushed
1 ts Whole thyme
1/2    Lemon; juiced
3 lb Whole chicken
Salt and pepper; to taste
1    Cooking parchement paper
1    Paper bag, lunch sack size
1    Aluminum foil

Prepare a dressing of the oil,garlic,thyme and lemon juice. Rub the bird
with this dressing, and add a bit of salt and pepper. Tear off an
18-inch-long piece of parchment paper, and carefully wrap up the chicken.
Place the bundle in a paper bag, and then wrap in alumiun foil. Place the
bundle on a rack in the oven. Bake at 375 F for 1 hour and 15 minutes.


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