Servings: 4 Servings
3 sl Beef Frye
1    Onion, sliced thin
3    Ribs celery, diced
2    Bay leaves
1 tb Flour
2 c  Hot water
2 c  Cooked red beans
2 sl Lemon
1/2 ts Salt
Pepper to taste
1 tb Worcestershire sauce

Cook Beef Frye, onion and celery in a sauce pan until onion is tender. Add
bay leaves and flour and stir until smooth. Add hot water, red beans,
lemon, salt , pepper, and Worcestershire sauce and cook for abt. 20 min.
Press through coarse sieve and place back in saucepan. Heat thoroughly and

Consistency may be adjusted by adding desired amount of either chicken
stock (kosher broth) or water.


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