Servings: 1 Servings
16 oz Bittersweet chocolate
10 oz Sugar
8 oz Flour
5 oz Butter
10    Egg yolks
12    Egg whites

Melt the chocolate together with the butter in a saucepan over the stove in
a place not too hot. Beat the 10 egg yolks with 5 oz sugar then add them to
half of the melted chocolate. Beat 6 egg whites very firm and fold the
chocolate mixture into them, adding at the end the 8 oz of flour. Put into
a butter and floured cake pan and bake for 45 minutes at low (250). Let
cool. Beat the remaining 6 egg whites until very stiff, adding 5 oz of
sugar while beating. Fold into them the rest of the chocolate which must
be hardly warm. Cover the cake with the chocolate mousse. Then sprinkle
over the top and the side grated chocolate. Leave the cake in the
refrigerator 2 hours before serving.


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