Servings: 1 Servings
6 c  Half & half
1 oz Cinnamon stick;
- in small pieces
1    Vanilla bean; split length
2 1/2 c  Sugar
12    Egg yolks
4 c  Whipping cream
Strawberry for garnish

Combine half and half, cinnamon sticks and vanilla bean in heavy large
saucepan. Scald over very low heat. Remove from heat, cover and let stand
at room temperature at least 1 hour. Combine sugar and egg yolks in large
bowl of electric mixer and beat at high speed until mixture forms slowly
dissolving ribbon when beaters are lifted. Reheat half and half over low
heat. Gradually beat 2 cups half and half into egg yolk mixture. Stir yolk
mixture into remaining half and half. Cook over low heat, stirring
constantly, until thermometer registers 180~ and custard coats back of
spoon; do not boil. Immediately transfer custard to large bowl. Cool at
least 2 hours. If possible, cover and refrigerate for several hours or
overnight. Strain custard, discarding cinnamon and vanilla bean. Whisk in
whipping cream. Transfer to ice cream maker (in batches if necessary) and
freeze according to manufacturers instructions. To serve, spoon into large
bowl and garnish with fresh strawberries. Makes 1 gallon.


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