Servings: 6 Servings
1 kg (to 1 1/2 kg) lean deer meat 1 lg Onion chopped 3 Cloves garlic, crushed 3 ts Mild curry powder (Sherwood) 6 oz Can tomatoe paste 2 Bay leaves 1/4 ts Cloves (powder) 2 c Beefstock * 4 Diced carrots 1/2 c Raisins OR 1 c Grapes 1 Diced apple 1 ts Lemon juice Salt and pepper to taste
Cut meat into 2 to 3 centimeter cubes. Lightly brown
meat, onion and garlic in large, oiled skillet. Add
curry powder and tomato paste. Mix well. Add beef
stock and mix in rest of ingredients. Simmer for 1
1/2 hrs, covered. Almost any part of the deer may be
used. Be sure to trim off all the fat and sincew. To
keep calories down, use a light vegetable oil for
browning the meat. *Beefstock can be made with one
cube or package bouillon.
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