Servings: 6 Servings
3 tb Butter
6 sl Round white bread, crust
Removed, or 3 english
Muffins, split
6    Eggs, poached
1 1/2 c  Mornay sauce
3 tb Parmesan, grated
Finely chopped parsley,
Scallions, or chives

Melt one tablespoon of butter in a skillet, and when the butter is hot and
bubbly but not browned, fry 2 slices of the bread, turning once,when the
bottom of the bread is nicely browned . Proceed in the same way for the
rest of the butter and the bread. Place the slices of bread in a
lightly-buttered (or teflon-coated) baking pan. Place one well-drained
lightly poached on each piece of bread and envelop each with the Mornay
sauce. Sprinkle with paprika and the grated Parmesan; broil for only a
minute. Serve decorated with finely chopped parsley, scallions or chives.


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