Servings: 4 Servings
1 3/4 lb Green beans
3 tb Olive oil
1 md Onion
3 md Ripe tomatoes
2    Garlic cloves
2    Laurel leaves
1 lb Potatoes
1/2 lb Bread*
Eggs, poached

* Use a day-old, country-style loaf
In a large pan saute the onion, finely chopped, in the
olive oil. Add the tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and
broken into large pieces; trim the green beans and
break them by hand into 3 or 4 pieces, and add to the
pan. Add the garlic, the laurel leaves and the salt.
Cover the pan and let the whole cook for a while, till
tender. Add 2 pt water and the peeled, thinly sliced
potatoes. Let the whole cook till the the potatoes are
tender. Slice the bread, place in a large serving bowl
together with the poached eggs. Cover with the hot
soup, remove the laurel leaves and serve at once.


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