Servings: 5 Servings
1/2 lb Roasted barley
1 lb Chocolate grain
1 lb Black grain
10 oz Amber DME
8 oz Light DME
1 1/2 lb Corn sugar
1/2 oz Northern brewer hop pellets
(45 min)
1/2 oz Cascade hop pellets -- (30
1/2 oz Perle hop pellets -- (15
1/3 oz Hallertauer hop pellets --
(5 min)
3 1/2 lb Dogbolter malt extract
2 ts Gypsum
4 oz Blueberry extract -- (at
Lager yeast starter

Steep crushed grains at 148-152 for 1 hour in 2 gallons water. Sparge into
brew pot; Bring to a boil. Add gypsum, malt extract & corn sugar; Add the
hops per schedule. After 1 hour of vigorous boil, pour into sterilized
fermenter. Add ice to make 5 gallons or 75 degrees (whichever comes first).
Add room temp water if not yet at 5 gal. Pitch yeast starter. O.G. 1060
F.G. 1018

Jay & Ethan


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