- Read the Advice to Consumers »
- A total of 84 persons infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Saintpaul were reported from 18 states.
- 28% of ill persons were hospitalized, and no deaths were reported.
- Collaborative investigative efforts of local, state, and federal public health and regulatory agencies indicated that imported cucumbers supplied by Daniel Cardenas Izabal and Miracle Greenhouse of Culiacán, Mexico were the source of this outbreak.
- On April 24, 2013, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration placed both cucumber suppliers on Import Alert.
- Cucumbers from these two firms will be denied admission into the United States unless the suppliers show that they are not contaminated with Salmonella.
- Consumers and retailers should always follow safe produce handling recommendations.
- This particular outbreak appears to be over. However, Salmonella is an important cause of human illness in the United States. More information about Salmonella infection, and steps people can take to reduce their risk of infection, can be found on the CDC Salmonella Web Page.
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