Servings: 6 Servings
2 1/2 qt Double Chicken Broth Stock
-(See separate recipe)

2 c Flour; All-purpose; sifted
3 ts Baking powder
1 ts Salt
2 md Eggs
2/3 c Milk

Follow the recipe for poached chicken in Double Chicken Broth.
See: Double Chicken Broth Stock recipe. In this recipe you leave the
chicken in the pot and add the dumplings, as described below, then serve
the chicken and dumplings. * Directions for Dumplings * While the chicken
is cooking in the other recipe, make up the dumplings, which will be added
for the last 15 minutes of cooking time. Sift the dry ingredients together.
Beat the eggs and milk together lightly and blend with the flour mixture to
make a fairly stiff dough. Form very small dumplings by taking a tablespoon
full of dough and rolling it into a ball shape. You may use the palm of
your hand to do this. About 15 minutes before the end of the cooking time,
remove the lid from the pot in which the chicken is cooking and drop the
rounded tablespoons of the dumpling dough over the surface of the liquid,
spacing them a few inches apart as the dumplings puff up. Cover the pan,
keeping the liquid at a simmer, and cook the dumplings for 15 minutes,
until light and cooked through. Do not remove lid while dumplings are
cooking. Serve with the poached chicken.


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