Servings: 8 Servings
1 qt Crayfish tails
5 sl White bread; toasted
1 c  Green onion tops; chopped
1/2 c  Parsley; minced
1 tb Garlic; finely minced
6 tb Oil
4 tb Flour
1 ts Red pepper

Chop crayfish tails into small pieces; put one cup aside to use in gravy.
Soak toast in a Iittle water and crumble. Heat 4 tablespoons oil; add
crayfish tails, garlic, parsley, red pepper and half the onions; cook for
ten minutes. Add tbe crumbled toast and cook 10 minutes more. Clean and
wash crayfish heads; stuff with stuffing. Bake the stuffed heads in a 350
degree oven for about 5 minutes or until they turn red.

Heat remaining oil; add flour and brown. Add tails, onions, three cups
water and cook together for 15 minutes on a low heat. When serving add
stuffed heads to bisque. Serve over hot rice.


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