Servings: 8 Servings
Jim Vorheis
3/4 c  Sugar
The custard:
1 qt Milk
1 pn Of sea salt
1/2 c  Sugar
2    Inch cinnamon stick or
-vanilla bean
Small piece of orange or
-lemon rind (optional)
4    Eggs
6    Egg yolks

The caramel: Heat the sugar for the caramel in a small, heavy frying pan
over low heat until it begins to dissolve. Shake the pan slightly (do not
stir) until all the sugar has melted. Increase the flame and let the sugar
bubble and color. Pour the caramel into the mold and quickly turn it
around in all directions, tipping it up in a circular motion until the
surface – bottom and 2 inches up the sides – has been lightly coated with
the caramel. If the caramel thickens and becomes sluggish, gently heat the
mold in a pan of hot water or over low heat, depending on the material, and
continue the coating action. Set aside to cool.

Put the milk, salt, sugar, and cinnamon or vanilla into a saucepan and
bring slowly to a boil, stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Continue
boiling slowly, taking care that it does not boil over, until the milk has
reduced by about 2/3 cup. Set aside to cool.

Place an oven rack on the lowest rung of the oven and heat to 325 F.

Beat the eggs and yolks together and stir into the tepid milk. Pour the
mixture through a strainer into the flan mold and place it in a hot water
bath in the oven. Test after 2 hours with a skewer or cake tester; if it
comes out quite clean, the flan is cooked. Remove from the oven, but allow
to sit in the water bath for about 15 minutes longer. Remove and set aside
to cool completely before refrigerating.


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