Place chocolate, patent, and crystal malts in about 2 gallons of water and bring to almost boil, Sparge into boiling pot. Add 2 more gallons of water. Bring to boil and add bittering hops. 30 minutes into the boil, add 1/2 teaspoon Irish moss. Boil one more hour. Add finishing hops in last 2 minutes […]
Cafe Con Miel
Heat ingredients in a saucepan, but do not boil. Stir well to combine. Serve as a light dessert. From Connecticut Honey by Eastern Connecticut Beekeepers Association
Apricot Liqueur
Partly fill a cloth bag with the apricot pits (available at most health food stores). Smash with a hammer, keeping shells and meaty centers. Place smashed pits in a 1-quart container. Add cinnamon, corriander, and vodka. Store for 2 months in a cool dark place. Then filter through a cheesecloth lined strainer and discard fruit […]
Egg Nog
Whip cream until slightly stiff; set aside. Beat egg whites until stiff; set aside. Beat egg yolks with hand beater until light, slowly add sugar and brandy; beat until well mixed. Fold all ingredients together with an electric mixer at low speed. Serve with ground nutmeg. Serves 8. This is very thick and one cup […]
Tom And Jerry
-TO SERVE – 1 tb Above batter 3 tb Hot milk 1 1/2 oz Rum Hot water 1/2 oz Brandy Nutmeg First prepare batter, using mixing bowl. Separate the yolk and white of 1 egg, beating each separately and thoroughly. Then combine both, adding enough superfine powdered sugar to stiffen. Add to this 1 pinch […]
Gringo Margarita
Put the frozen limeade concentrate and gin in the container of a blender. Process until smooth. Add seltzer and stir gently. Serve in stemmed glasses whose rims have been dipped in lime juice, then in salt (optional) or over ice cubes in a tall glass. Garnish tall glasses with fruit slices and cherries. Serves 4.
Korean Beef Barbecue
Freeze the meat until firm, about 2 hours. Meanwhile, in a heavy iron skillet, spread the sesame seeds and toast over moderate heat until golden. Stir the seed once or twice to toast evenly. With a mortar and pestle or with the back of a spoon against a board, grind the seeds until powdery. Place […]
Cashew Cream
Brown rice syrup can be substituted for maple syrup. Combine all ingredients in blender on high for 3 minutes, until you have a smooth cream. Add more water if cream is too thick.
Hot Mocha Milk
1. Combine chocolate syrup, instant coffee and cinammon in a heat-resistant, non-metallic mug or cup. 2. Stir in milk and heat, uncovered, in e Oven 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 minutes or until hot. Do not allow milk to boil. 3. Garnish with a dollop of whipped cream.
Very Berry Smoothie
Recipe Summary: Preparation Time: 5 minutes Number of Servings: 8 Cups of Fruits and Vegetables Per Person: 1.00 Ingredients: 2 cups blueberries 2 cups raspberries 2 cups strawberries 2 cups blackberries 1 cup 100% cran-raspberry juice 1 cup low fat blueberry yogurt 2 cups ice Directions: Place all items into blender and blend until smooth. […]