
Homemade Kahula

Boil the coffee, water and sugar for 5 minutes. Cool to room temperature. Add the vodka and vanilla. Pour into bottles with tight fitting caps. You can drink it right away, but it tastes better with age.

Almond Tasty

Lightly pound almonds with hammer (in bag or cover with paper towel) and combine with other ingredients in bottle. Be sure to thoroughly scrape orange and lemon peels. Let steep for two weeks, turning bottle occasionally. The chocolate extract tends to settle on the bottom and the finished liqueur may need to be mixed before […]

Monarchy Luau Punch

Remove rind and core form pineapple; coarsely chop fruit. Combine pineapple, brandy and sugar; marinate 6 hours or overnight. Pour pineapple juice into a ring mold and freeze. Add wine to pineapple-brandy mixture; refrigerate 30 minutes. Add pineapple juice ring and champagne just before serving.


Rub rim of cocktail glass with rind of lemon or lime, dip rim in salt. Shake ingredients with ice and strain into the salt-rimmed glass or serve on the rocks. Annie Miner Date:

Melya (iced Coffee)

Brew espresso; for this purpose, a Bialetti-style stovetop will work. In a coffee mug, place 1 teaspoon of unsweetened powdered cocoa; then cover a teaspoon with honey and drizzle it into the cup. Stir while the coffee brews; this is the fun part. The cocoa seems to coat the honey without mixing, so you get […]

Fruit Juice Slush

Put GREEN tea bags in 2 c. boiling water, let set and chill. Dissolve 7 c. water and 2 c. sugar together. Mix all ingredients together and put in freezer for 24 hours or longer. Stir before using. Use 1/2 glass slush and 1/2 glass 7UP.

Brandy Alexanders

Preparation : Mix well. Add: More liquor may be added for desired taste.

Cinnamon Liqueur

Steep all herbs in alcohol for 2 weeks. Strain and filter until clear and add sugar syrup to taste. Let stand 1 week and its ready to serve. Makes a nice hot drink when added to boiling water. Yield: 1 pint plus : Container: Quart jar

Dishwater Punch

Make sure all koolaid is *pre-sweetened* 2 quart packages. Mix all dry mixes together. Add water and juices. stir well. Add food color until it looks drinkable. Without any food color, it should look like its name. Depending on how sensitive your guests are, you may need LOTS of food color (we have used up […]

Perky Party Punch

Reconstitute orange juice and lemonade. Add pineapple juice and Kool-Aid. Mix. Sweeten to taste. Just before serving add ginger ale and ice. Makes 40 cups.

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