
Easy Salad

For the croutons, tear up the bread or cube it. Combine the melted butter and garlic powder. Pour over bread cubes and toss to cover. Spread cubes on a cookie sheet and bake 10 minutes in an oven preheated to 350 degrees, turning once. Cool. Meanwhile, wash the romaine leaves, using only the most tender […]

Brown Rice Salad With Apples And Walnuts

Put Rice in medium sauce pan along with water, oil, and salt. Cover, bring to a boil, and reduce the heat to simmer. Cook for 45 minutes or until the rice is tender and all the water has been absorbed. Meanwhile, combine the walnuts, celery, scallions, raisins, apples, and lemons rind in a large bowl. […]

French Tomato Dressing

Blend all ingredients except oil & lemon juice till smooth. Keeping the blender running, slowly pour in the oil. Stir in the lemon juice. Chill.

Shredded Chicken Salad With Cilantro

Place the chicken breasts in a saucepan with enough water to cover. Bring to a boil, add 1/2 teaspoon salt, reduce the heat, and simmer until the chicken is cooked through, about 15 minutes. Drain the chicken and allow to cool. Remove and discard the skin. Remove the chicken from the bones and tear the […]

Keen-tucky Coleslaw

Toss chopped cabbage lightly with sugar, carrots, salt & pepper. Drench all with milk. Cover & refg about 15 min. Meanwhile, combine mayo, buttermilk, celery seed, pepper sauce and onion. Mix well with cabbage. Refg again at least 1 hour before serving. Drain some of dressing first and serve it separately. Settles quite a bit. […]

Kasha Salad

Place kasha in pot of water or chicken bouillon, some salt and pepper; bring to a boil, cover and reduce heat. Cook until tender, about 15 minutes. Combine cooked kasha with remaining ingredients, chill and serve over a bed of lettuce.

Hot Artichoke Seafood Salad

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Liberally grease a 1 1/2 quart glass baking dish. Combine artichoke hearts, mayonnaise, cheese, crab meat, and Tabasco sauce. Mix well and spoon into the baking dish. Top with almonds. Bake for about 15 to 20 minutes or until hot. Serve on crackers.

Chicken Ginger Salad

Drian and rinse artichoke hearts and corn and let sit in water for about 1 hour. Drain and quarter Artichoke hearts and cut the corn cobs into smaller pieces. Set aside and peel ginger and julienne into match stick size pieces. Let sit in a cup tossed with a little sesame oil. toss Chicken, Artichoke […]

Chilie Tomato Salad

Quarter the tomatoes. Mix parsley & chili with the tomatoes & chill. Combine the remaining ingredients & set aside to rest. Just before serving, mix the salad dressing with the salad.

Garden-fresh Pasta Salad

1. Cook pasta twists according to package directions. About 5 minutes before pasta is doen, add broccoli florets and cook 5 minutes longer. Drain well. 2. In large bowl, combine mayonnaise, vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper; mix well. Add pasta, broccoli, tomatoes, bell pepper, green onions, parsley and basil; toss until well combined. Cover and […]

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